Monday, February 18, 2008

A room with a view

좋은 아침
(Good morning/day/evening)

I'm sitting at a little desk in the corner of my apartment, overlooking the whole city on the 11th floor of an awesomely safe building in Sindang of central Seoul, South Korea. I've been incommunicado as I've been staying at what's called a "love" motel which lacked internet but made up for it with its red lights and interesting sounds. I begin teaching on Monday and I've only had one day of training, so tip a glass in my general direction to the true concept of sinking or swimming. Ha! Don't worry, I'm not, everything's great. The kids are adorable and feisty and really into nose picking and playing with my yellow hair (not simultaneously). The food is actually agreeing with my stomach and the friends I've made thus far are fantastic. I've created a little family here already although I have no idea what time it is or where I am half of the time.
I just moved in to my little spot today and have yet to set anything up really so have patience but rest assured I am well, you are loved, and someone in Seoul loves ya!


(or as the kids say, "Ella Teacher")

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